trove-api提供支持json数据格式的rest api定义和管理trove实例
- 提供rest-ful 的组件
- 入口-trove/cmd/api.py
- 通过etc/trove/api-paste.ini配置WSGI启动器
- 定义过滤器链,用户鉴权、限流等
- 为trove应用定义app_factory作为trove.common.api:app_factory
- api类将rest路径定义到适当的controller中
- 在service.py中实现相关模块(versions/instance/backup/configuration)中的controller
- controller通常将实现重定向到models.py模块中的一个类中
- 就这点而言,别的组件(TaskManager, GuestAgent等)的api模块用RabbitMQ发送请求
- 监听RabbitMQ
- 入口-trove/cmd/taskmanager.py
- 通过etc/trove/trove.conf配置RpcService,这个配置文件定义了trove.taskmanager.manager.Manage,是管理员主要通过队列到达的切入点
- As described above, requests for this component are pushed to MQ from another component using the TaskManager’s api module using _cast() or _call() (sync/a-sync) and putting the method’s name as a parameter
- In module oslo.messaging, oslo_messaging/rpc/dispatcher.py - RpcDispatcher.dispatch() invokes the proper method in the Manager by some equivalent to reflection
- The Manager then redirect the handling to an object from the models.py module. It loads an object from the relevant class with the context and instance_id
- 实际在models.py中处理
- 作为监听MQ消息的服务的意义上来说,和taskManage类似
- 运行在每一个DB实例上,和独享一个rabbit topic
- 入口-trove/cmd/guest.py
- Runs as a RpcService configured by /etc/trove/conf.d/trove-guestagent.conf which defines trove.guestagent.datastore.manager.Manager as the manager - basically this is the entry point for requests arriving through the queue
- As described above, requests for this component are pushed to MQ from another component using the GuestAgent’s api module using _cast() or _call() (sync/a-sync) and putting the method’s name as a parameter
- In module oslo.messaging, oslo_messaging/rpc/dispatcher.py - RpcDispatcher.dispatch()invokes the proper method in the Manager by some equivalent to reflection
- The Manager then redirect the handling to an object (usually) from the dbaas.py module.
- The database service is running as a docker container inside the Nova VM.
- 和guest-agent类似,监听MQ,不同的是conductor运行在主机上,而不是agent上
- Guest agents communicate to conductor by putting messages on the topic defined in cfg as conductor_queue. By default this is “trove-conductor”.
- 入口 - trove/cmd/conductor.py
- Runs as RpcService configured by etc/trove/trove.conf which defines trove.conductor.manager.Manager as the manager. This is the entry point for requests arriving on the queue.
- As guestagent above, requests are pushed to MQ from another component using _cast() (synchronous), generally of the form {“method”: “
”, “args”: { }} - 实际数据库更新工作由by trove/conductor/manager.py完成
- The “heartbeat” method updates the status of an instance. This is used to report that instance has changed from NEW to BUILDING to ACTIVE and so on.
- The “update_backup” method changes the details of a backup, including its current status, size of the backup, type, and checksum.